Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Muscle Gaining Whey protein and lactose intolerance

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(NaturalNews) The human body was designed very efficiently for times of scarcity and stress. Food lacked a common reality and the body has its own signaling pathways to be very effective in times of fasting developed. In times of stress, for survival purposes, we adapted a fight or flight mode, we work, our body, with a very high intensity, forcing a relatively short period of time. The combination of intermittent fasting and high-intensity exercise promotes hormones, tissue healing and metabolic processes to improve.Our ancestors had long daily struggle to provide adequate supplies of food. They grazed common wild berries, herbs, raw nuts and seeds, as they feed through the woods for the day. At night, they would kill the food with the most recent, most often enjoy a high-protein, high fat meal. This type of diet depends on the success of their efforts to hunt. Fasting was a common way of life of our ancestors. This is evident with the positive changes the body undergoes during the fasting period.Fasting can go to our body in a catabolic (tissue breakdown) period without the promotion of inflammatory diseases. This allows the body's resources to remove old and damaged cells and replace them with cellular components.

High intensity exercise is one way of life

Very intensive training was a necessity of life of our ancestors, who persecuted and killed animals for food supply. Muscle Gaining Secrets scam fight with other cultures. The fight or flight lifestyle was pretty obvious, and was usually 90-100% of the maximum intensity. Anything less than this can often result in death or starvation.This lifestyle led to an incredibly lean and strong body. Most men have body fat below 10%, while women typically ranged from 10-20%. They were also able to produce amazing muscle strength to overcome obstacles in their struggle toned body.To ensure high quality of life in the 21st Century, we must understand and work in harmony with our body's primitive past. Intermittent Fasting and high intensity, short training conditions genetic durational help grow our bodies adapt and evolve to better survival properties. These muscles strength is desirable, a titanium immune system and an efficient digestive tract.

Fasting and human growth hormone boost fitness

Intermittent Fasting for a period of 12-24 hours with the high-intensity exercise has a positive effect on increasing human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is a very important protein-based hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH improves cellular repair processes that allow us to age with dignity. HGH regulates metabolism to burn fat, build muscle, and slows down the negative effects of stress.Researchers at Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that men who had fasted for 24 hours had aincrease in circulating HGH. Women who were tested had an increase

A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine have shown that the accumulation of lactic acid helps to activate the HGH. Lactic acid is produced only in response to intense anaerobic training. Aerobic exercise is not intense enough to produce the type of lactate release HGH.Low intensity, long duration aerobic catabolic in nature. This means that produces many free radicals without significant amounts of repair promoting peptides, enzymes and hormones. Muscle Gaining Secrets review is a condition of physical resources.High intensity training also produces free radicals, but it solves a wide range of peptides repair, enzymes and hormones are released. The net effect of this is to repair healthy tissue and a favorable effect on body composition and anti-aging

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